Cord Blood To Cure Thalassemia And Many Others Diseases

In a few days, school's out for a few weeks and here you are stuck with a ton of science schoolwork to do. It doesn't matter if you are a high school student or a college student majoring in biology or general sciences. You go to the school's science department only to see that you can't lend one to finish all of your pending school work the soonest possible time. Unfortunately there are already those who have thought of the same thing and are already lining up to do the same thing you want to do. Some of them already walk out in front of you, their schoolwork in one hand and the microscope in another. What would you do?

This therapy for hair loss has also proved to very beneficial. It has been treating people from losing hair since the year 1990. It is very well considered that this therapy is most effective for hair regeneration. All over the world, men and women alike have got amazing results from VSEL Stem Cells Cell treatment of loss or balding of hair. Not only does the treatment allow hair to grow back with new hair follicles but it also add new found self esteem and self confidence to the patient. Case after case, patients love their new look when they glance in the mirror.

In order for a cord blood transplant to work, there needs to be at least 75 mL of blood collected. This amount of blood ensures that there are enough stems cells available for the transplantation process to happen. The next step comes in storage of the cord blood. Since it is a biological material, it will be tested to ensure that there are no diseases such as HIV or hepatitis and other problems. Once this is done, the storage process can take place through cryopreservation. A cryopreservant is added to the blood, which will allow the blood to slowly begin to freeze. The slow process is needed to keep the cells alive throughout the process. Once it is cooled to -90 degrees celsius, it can then be added to liquid nitrogen tanks that will keep it frozen at -196 degrees celsius.

Another fact - all vitamins and minerals are better for us in their natural vegetable form. But the synthetic vitamins labs crank out are cheaper. And the metallic minerals are often used in supplements because they are cheap and readily available.

This may sound like an expensive proposition but the cost is actually in line with other types of blood and tissue storage costs. The stem cells is not just as simple as drawing some blood and sticking it in a bag and freezing it.

If we see cross section of the brain of the person suffering from Parkinson's we will find that there are some of the brain lines which are seemed to be missing there. It is believed that if those lines can be developed then the person can be cured form this chronic disease. This can be very successfully done with the help of Stem Cell Therapy.

We are also told that we live the longest which is another fallacy. There are groups of people around the world that do live longer on average and their quality of health in later years is astounding. Each group that is studied has some definite trends that we can all learn from. Unfortunately, this has nothing to do with modern medicine, as many of them hardly use our supposed breakthroughs. If you would like some of the books and research, feel free to contact me for the sources. The good news is that creating health is not expensive and many of the answers are simple.

As all of us know that cells are the building blocks of the body, hence there are scientists in the world who believe that stem cell treatment biotechnology would reveal the mystery of aging. They believe that by using this technique they may be able to reverse the effects of aging and may live longer. There is No doubt that today's world is the world of wonders of science and anything can happen these days. Proof to this is the wonders which this new technique have brought in to the lives of people of this century and we should wait and watch for many such new techniques to come.

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